

Date posted

01 Jun 2023

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We’re a Badged Measurement Partner for Meta

We’ve been selected to join the Meta Business Partners Programme following a rigorous application process.

The selection comes as a result of our deep expertise in media mix modelling, measurement implementation, reporting, analysis and optimisation.

Meta Business Partners are companies vetted and badged for their expertise in helping businesses advertise, sell and engage with customers across Meta technologies like Facebook, Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp.

As a badged measurement partner, we have proven market-leading capability in the development of Media Mix Modelling (MMM) – a method that models aggregated media spend, organic marketing and external factors to predict performance, without the use of cookies. By joining the Programme, we’ve gained access to Meta’s private MMM API, simplifying the process of building models and empowering us to deliver more accurate insights to our clients, helping achieve competitive advantage in the market.

Want to know more about our MMM offering? Don’t hesitate to get in contact.