


Date posted

20 Feb 2023

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Twitter meets Search: Introducing Twitter’s new Search Keywords Ads

Search Keywords Ads is a new type of ad from Twitter that allows advertisers to target users based on the keywords they are actively searching for in the platform.

Advertisers can now use search-specific keywords to serve ads to users that are searching for particular terms. Users will then be exposed to sponsored tweets in the search results.

Search Keywords Ads can only be utilised through a conversions campaign objective, currently only optimising towards website conversions.

Using Twitter Ads

Despite its recent controversy, Twitter remains a popular way to search for information. The platform provides a quick and easy way to access news and look up what is happening in the world. 

With the introduction of Search Keywords Ads, you are now able to place an ad where your audience is already searching, helping you to reach the right people and subsequently enhance the relevance of your ads.

Utilising this new feature will not only provide advertisers with a stronger signal of user intent, but will also help to reach a wider audience. Ads targeting keywords using this tool will be prioritised over other ads on the Search Display location.

In order to set up a campaign using the Keywords objective, you must firstly ensure that you have a Twitter Pixel or Conversion API with a configured conversion event set up.

Reaching users with real intent

The next step is to start selecting relevant keywords you wish to target. Utilise any existing data you have from paid search or other media channels to identify the relevant keywords you should be targeting for your audience or business. Twitter supports up to 200 keywords being targeted in an ad group at one time.

If Twitter forms a key part of your marketing mix, it is now time to start reaching Twitter users with real intent.