


Date posted

03 Jul 2023

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More control and greater use of AI with Performance Max

Google recently announced that twelve updates for Performance Max (PMax) are “coming soon”.

As the focus on AI in marketing gains momentum, Google is making it even easier to create campaigns by embedding AI and recommendations into the setup process.

Some of these updates also see users gain a little bit more control over PMax, with more tools available to show its value and gain further insights.

We’ve highlighted the key updates here, with their focus around AI, giving further control, and providing extra value and insights.

AI updates

Create assets with generative AI tools  

Google is releasing new AI tools which allow you to create assets inside of Google Ads (videos, images, text). This is good for testing and will also help with creative ad fatigue

Integrated recommendations during campaign set up 

Google is making it easier to set up campaigns – you just enter your URL and basic information and Google creates a complete campaign outline for you – helpful if you want to speed up the campaign creation process.

Smart bidding optimised for in-store sales

With this new feature, you can let smart bidding optimise for in-store sales – great if you have physical stores and want to stimulate footfall as well as sales in-store.

Control-based updates

Campaign level Brand exclusions

You will soon be able to exclude brand search terms from PMax campaigns, speeding up the process of applying negatives in the setup, and helping to test PMax as a solely “generic” driver. 

Improved Merchant Centre integration

You’ll be able to see product insights and diagnostics next to your data as both become more integrated. This’ll make it easier to spot and optimise products needing attention as they’ll be highlighted alongside campaigns in Ads.

User goal updates

The algorithm will optimise for disengaged customers under re-engagement goals as well as the option to optimise for high-value customers only under new customer lifecycle goals helpful for gaining retention and focusing on the high quality user.

Key value and insight updates

Performance Max experiments 

You’ll be able to A/B test PMax campaigns – use this feature to test different bid strategies, placements and assets- so much potential!

Better search term insights 

PMax has not been the clearest when it comes to search term insights so far, but soon you’ll be able to export search term insights for custom date ranges (not just the last 7/28 days).

Conversion lift studies 

These can offer insight on what is driving performance, helping you understand how many of your conversions from PMax campaigns were incremental. This is crucial to understanding how valuable PMax truly is. 

Making the most of Performance Max

This is a good step towards gaining more insight and control of your PMax campaigns, which has been fairly limited so far. The further testing options will also help to prove the value of PMax.

With the incorporation of AI, you’ll also be immersing yourself in marketing’s latest development, ensuring your driving the best possible results with the most progressive technology available to you.

Start planning your tests!

Whilst these updates aren’t available yet, Google will be rolling them out over the next few months, so it’s important to plan ahead to ensure you’re driving value from the get-go – and if you need support, get in touch with our team today.